In July of 2011, Cristian Zamora, a 19-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador, was cited for driving without a valid driver’s license in Walker County, Texas, by a Texas Department of Public Safety officer.
Two years later in 2013, Zamora and two other El Salvadorian illegal aliens, all reportedly members of the MS-13 gang, allegedly killed and dismembered 16-year-old high school sophomore Josael Guevara in the Sam Houston National Forest. They first allegedly hit him with a baseball bat and then mutilated him with a machete.
In 2009, six months after President Barack Obama was sworn into office, the Department of Homeland Security, then headed up by former DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, rewrote the 287(g) regulations to include a much narrower scope of authority for local and state law enforcement.
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