When asked whether he read the entire 1,582-page, $1.1-trillion government spending bill before he voted for it yesterday, Rep. Gerald E. Connolly (D-Va.) said he would “not dignify that question with an answer.”
On Capitol Hill on Thursday, asked Connolly: “Did you read all 1,582 pages of the bill?”
Connolly said: “I’m not going to dignify that question with an answer.”
The bill will fund the federal government for the rest of fiscal 2014, which ends on Sept. 30, 2014.
Sixty-four Republicans and only three Democrats voted against the legislation. The final vote was 359-67.The legislation was strongly opposed by Tea Party elements in the GOP and in the public at large. As has reported, the bill “increases agency budgets by $26 billion over last year’s total,” and “[n]ot only does the bill increase discretionary spending, it is also $45 billion more than the sequester [cuts] would have allowed.”
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