Discover How to Maintain a Normal Blood Pressure

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How often do you check your blood pressure readings? Most people who develop high blood pressure rarely realize it until it has advanced. In most cases, the symptoms don’t reveal themselves early, making many people live with this condition unaware of it. It ranks among the highest killer condition in  America.

Statistics reveal that half of the American population develops hypertension as early as the fifties. This condition can affect your heart if you don’t handle it in its early stages. That is why doctors recommend that you go for regular check-ups to confirm that your blood pressure is normal. We will explain the confusing figures in the readings which come in fractions. We will also help you maintain normal blood pressure by teaching you some few  techniques.

What is behind the  figures?

To most of us, the numbers that doctors use to determine our blood pressure leaves us confused. Knowing how pressure is measured will help you gauge if yours is normal or not. Mercury in millimeters is used to measure blood pressure. The symbols mm Hg represent  this.

The top number in the fraction symbolizes the pressure in your vessels as your heart beats. It is referred to as systolic blood pressure while the denominator is called diastolic blood pressure. This number symbolizes the amount of tension between beats during resting of the  heart.

We all have different sizes of arteries which can determine the level of your blood pressure. Narrow arteries reflect higher blood pressure than wider arteries. The pumping of blood in your heart also affects your pressure levels. If your blood pressure is 120/80mm Hg, it is translated as normal. 130/80 mm Hg is alarming since it exposes you to the risks of high blood  pressure.


How can you maintain normal pressure  levels?

Reduce your intake of  sodium

Doctors say that you only require 500 mg of salt in a day. Researchers say that most of us take as much as 9,000 mg of salt each day. We cannot ignore the significant difference. Such high amounts of sodium can elevate your blood pressure. Avoid adding salt when you have already served your food. Cooked salt is better than the regular salt shakers on our  tables.

Replacing sodium with potassium reduces the effects of salt in your body and also prevents blood vessel tension. Foods such as yogurt, fish, sweet potatoes, spinach as well as avocados are rich in potassium. You should, however, avoid potassium if you have kidney problems and always consult with your doctors before making such  adjustments.

Minimize excess sugar and  carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates help you maintain healthy levels and lose weight. It can also lower elevated pressure levels. Taking fewer carbohydrates reduces your diastolic pressure by 4.5mm Hg and systolic pressure by 5.9 Hg. Reducing your sugar intake and carbohydrates enables you to reduce hunger as you consume high amounts of protein to substitute  them. 

Avoid processed  food

Sometimes, the whole process of preparing ingredients, cooking and washing dishes may not be your favorite habit. Most of us prefer processed food which is less time-consuming than cooking at  home.

What we don’t know is that most processed foods come with high contents of salts than the recommended amount. For instance, fries, crisps, pizzas and canned soup are made to taste better by using a high salt content. If you could cut down on the processed food, you would be reducing the sugar, salt and carbohydrates content which translates to normal blood  pressure.

Use herbal  treatments

Some plants are useful in reducing high blood pressure. They contain components that stabilize blood pressure. Some of them include ginger extracts, celery juice, black bean as well as sesame oil. Do not mix any of these supplements with other medicines before consulting with your doctor. It will prevent you from side  effects.

Look for garlic  supplements

You can choose between the fresh garlic or the supplements. The extracts, however, act more effectively than the tablets. Studies reveal that taking garlic can reduce your diastolic blood pressure by 6 mm Hg and systolic pressure by 12 mm  Hg.

Avoid substance  abuse

Substances such as alcohol, cigarettes as well as anti-anxiety pills like Xanax can elevate your blood pressure levels. Smoking also raises your heart rate and expose your body to harsh chemicals that affect your blood pressure. It can narrow your arteries or lead to inflammation in the walls of your vessels. will prevent you from addiction and help you maintain normal blood pressure. Seek support for drug  problems.

Take less caffeine and more  water

Though doctors say that caffeine has a temporary effect on your blood pressure, it still tampers with the normal functioning. This effect, however, may not affect everybody. Our level of sensitivities differs which explains why some people prefer caffeine to tea. Decaffeinated coffee is better than the standard type. You can substitute your cups of coffee with water. It keeps you hydrated and helps your blood pressure to remain  normal.

 Stay  active

As you age, your metabolism slows down. Staying active through aerobic excises will prevent high blood pressure. Working out increases your heart rate to enable it to pump blood without straining. Your arteries, therefore, get less pressure and you lower your pressure. It also increases your rate of  breathing.

You can find easy workouts that are not too intense for your age. For instance, you can use more stairs instead of opting for the lift every day you go to work. Take some time off from the driving wheel and enjoy peaceful morning walks to the  office.

You can also take bike rides on weekends or swimming classes to keep fit and maintain normal blood pressure. Start by losing a few pounds as you target to lose more in the future. It will prevent you from overdoing it and help you achieve your  goals.

Final  thoughts

High blood pressure may be a severe condition, but it is controllable through maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Ensure that you take charge of your stress levels as you use the other tips to maintain normal blood pressure. Don’t get tired of going for check-ups since it could save your  life.

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