Dr. Ben Carson On His View of US Government Leadership if he is President

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In an interview with Marketplace’s Kai Ryssdal airing today, Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson discussed what he sees as the biggest economic issues facing the United States, and what the U.S. government would look like under President Carson. The entire interview and transcript will be posted at  marketplace.org.

“Poor people and middle class people don’t have a mechanism to grow their money. The only people who can grow their money are people who have a certain risk tolerance. Those tend to be upper income  people.”

Highlights from the  interview:

To deal with debt and balance the budget, as president, Carson would shrink government through attrition, making cuts across the board, having every department head make 3-4 percent reductions, and implementing a 15 percent flat  tax.

“It’s not that difficult. If we simply refuse to extend the budget by one penny for three to four years, you’ve got a balanced budget – just like that.” – Dr. Ben  Carson

In answer Kai’s question “as president, would you roll back the Affordable Care Act and take away healthcare coverage away from the 16 million people who’ve gotten it?” Dr. Carson answered,  “No.”

“We need to take healthcare out of the political realm and actually come up with something that actually works and I have proposed a system that actually works … It will provide much better coverage than they have right now and they will not be second-class citizens.” – Dr. Ben  Carson

On what he sees as the biggest economic issues facing our country – debt and income  gap:

“Poor people and middle class people don’t have a mechanism to grow their money. The only people who can grow their money are people who have a certain risk tolerance. Those tend to be upper income  people.”

“You see the buying power of the middle class and poor people going down. These things are increasing the gap. When people come along and say, ‘it’s the rich people. It’s their fault, and if we can take their money and redistribute it, somehow that’s going to solve the problem,’ that’s an emotional argument and I think it appeals to our lower elements but has nothing to do with reality … Those are the kinds of things that are killing the poor and the middle class. It’s those silly asinine policies. It’s not because of rich people.” – Dr. Ben  Carson

On international relations under Carson’s  leadership:

“You’re gonna see much more proactive stance toward someone like Putin. We’re going to be much more active throughout the whole Baltic basin area, Eastern Europe, we’re going to re-establish a missile defense program, we’re going to have more than one or two armored brigades in that area … We’re going to use our energy resources in an appropriate way … to exploit our tremendous energy resources … to make Europe dependent on us for energy rather than Putin. Put him back in his little box where he belongs.” – Dr. Ben  Carson

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