By Family Research Council, Special for USDR.
Family Research Council expressed serious concerns following a federal judge’s decision to partially block a new Texas law that raises health standards for abortion clinics and restricts abortion in most cases to the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Anna Higgins, director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council, released the following statement:
“Blocking this law only puts vulnerable women in greater danger. We are very disturbed that a judge would partially block a law that is grounded in the latest science and in common sense.
“While the judge did not block the provision restricting abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy, he did block higher health and safety standards for abortion doctors. It’s deeply troubling that the law requiring abortion doctors to have hospital admitting privileges was struck down. The judge also blocked the law’s provision that safeguards health by ensuring that women taking RU-486, an abortion-causing drug which has harmed thousands of women and killed at least 10, do so according to FDA guidance and with a doctor’s supervision. This part of the law would help protect women in case of complications.
“We applaud Texas lawmakers for raising health standards at abortion centers and restricting abortions after the first 20 weeks of pregnancy because of the recognition that unborn children can feel excruciating pain. We also commend the state’s leaders, including Governor Rick Perry and Attorney General Greg Abbott for standing up for women’s health and in defense of human dignity,” concluded Higgins.
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