A report showing that an increase in funding for inspections at the ports of entry could dramatically increase the identification of illegal aliens fraudulently seeking admission there has been made available online by the Center for Immigration Studies. The 1976 report, even more applicable today than at its writing, contains a foreword by its original author, David North, a senior fellow at the Center who was with Linton & Company, a D.C.-based research organization, when the study was conducted.
The study, which concluded that a relatively modest investment in additional inspectors would make a major difference in the prevention of illicit entries, represents the last time the government published detailed data on this issue. More specifically, increased inspectors would increase the identification rate of fraudulent entrants by a factor of about 12. If these rates had been applied to the 1975 flow, rather than intercepting 44,328 fraudulent entrants at the land and air ports of entry, the number would have been closer to 545,000.
The full text is at:
Fraudulent entrants are the easiest illegal group to successfully target, but immigration enforcement funds were and are predominantly directed to the Border Patrol. The 2013 Senate immigration bill continues this trend, largely ignoring the value of placing additional inspectors at the ports of entry. Increased funds in this area could have a large impact on limiting access to the country to illegal entrants.
“Looking back 38 years,” North commented, “and considering the current administration’s unwillingness to share data with the public on enforcement issues, I find it wonderfully refreshing to know that, at one time, our immigration officials were willing to publish unpleasant facts about their own operations – as was the case with the Fraudulent Entrants Study – and to openly seek ways to improve immigration enforcement.”
The Center for Immigration Studies is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit research organization founded in 1985. It is the nation’s only think tank devoted exclusively to research and policy analysis of the economic, social, demographic, fiscal, and other impacts of immigration on the United States.
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