Today, U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady (TX-08) was unanimously re-elected to serve as Chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee for the 115th Congress. Chairman Brady issued the following statement:
“I’m honored to be re-elected to serve as Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. Most importantly, as Chairman I can lead and shape major policies that can help improve the lives of all Texans, issues I have worked a lifetime on. Our work is about to get even more exciting with President-elect Trump in the White House. Together, we will have an unprecedented opportunity to grow our economy, create jobs and cut red tape in Washington. Our first two priorities are to pass bold pro-growth tax reform and finally repeal and replace Obamacare. After eight years of the Obama Administration, it’s finally time to solve some real problems and I am ready as the Chairman of Ways and Means.”
Background: The Committee on Ways and Means is the oldest committee of the United States Congress, and is the chief tax-writing committee in the House of Representatives. U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady is the third Texan to serve as Chairman of this powerfully influential committee after Chairman Roger Q. Mills (1887-1889) and Chairman Bill Archer (1995-2001)