By Carl O. Helvie,Special for USDR
Several times my doctor said, “You have cancer and without chemotherapy and surgery you will be dead in six months.” These are frightening words to hear. However, I have learned that cancer does not have to be a death sentence and there are less harsh, non-invasive interventions that are very effective and may offer a greater probability of long-term survival than chemotherapy and surgery. Spiritually I also know that six months to live is not a medical diagnosis but a God diagnosis because only God known when we will die. Having outlived the prognosis by about 40 years I know this also from experience.
My cancer journey discussed in You Can Beat Lung Cancer: Using Alternative/Integrative Interventions began almost 40 years ago when I had a dream telling me to go for a chest x-ray. I pay attention to dreams and believe this is one way that God speaks with us, if we listen. So I went to my primary physician and asked for a referral for an x-ray that was required by insurance at that time.
The x-ray showed a spot on my lungs that had not been there previously and a follow up biopsy confirmed that it was lung cancer. When my doctor and surgeon told me they were planning chemotherapy and surgery I refused to give up control of my life and care and told them I would go home and pray about it and make a rational decision. I believe maintaining control/responsibility for one’s health care is empowering to patients and the doctor’s responsibility should be to explain the pros and cons of surgery and chemotherapy to enables patients to make the decisions that they believe is best for them.
After returning home a friend, Ursula offered to pray with me and to watch our dreams for guidance. Ursula also suggested and obtained a psychic reading for me. All results suggested a natural approach to treatment. Ursula also referred me to a physician within driving distance who had treated cancer with natural interventions. At my appointment he confirmed the diagnosis and prescribed a regime of physical interventions.
Prescribed care included laetrile (vitamin B17, amygdaline) 2,000 mg and 25 or 30 apricot kernels (one of the best sources of laetrile) daily. The theory for its use is that cancer results from a deficiency of laetrile in the body. Some may be afraid to use laetrile because contemporary medical literature says it contains cyanide and can kill you or send you to the emergency unit. However, enzymes are needed to activate the cyanide in laetrile and cancer cells have those enzyme but normal cells do not so it is specific for destruction of cancer cells and normal cells are unaffected. Over the two years I took laetrile and apricot kernels I had no side effects.
Supplements prescribed included pancreatic enzymes such as Wobe Mogus from Germany that assist in killing the cancer cells and improve digestion. Many people on the standard American diet are depleted of this important enzyme. In addition, vitamins were prescribed such as therapeutic doses of vitamin A (between 300,000 I.U. and 50,000 I.U. daily) to help prevent normal cells from converting to cancer cells, vitamin E 800 I.U. to help prevent toxicity from the vitamin A, vitamin B15, B5, and Vitamin C. Minerals and herbs included calcium, magnesium, zinc, comfrey pepsin (a digestive aid), yeast tablets, bromaline, and lecithin. In addition, A/G Pro, a protein supplement, was taken daily.
The prescribed diet was similar to a current vegan diet and consisted of 75% raw fruit and vegetables (to increase enzymes in the body), with additional cooked fruit and vegetables. In addition, grains and nuts, except peanuts (a high source of protein) were allowed. No protein such as meat, chicken or dairy was allowed for the first few months and no simple carbohydrates such as cakes, pies, candy, or ice cream. Exercise and smoking cessation were also part of the care plan.
As a nurse who believes in holism I added mental, spiritual, relationship, environmental, and political activities to the prescribed physical activities. Mental and spiritual activities included daily prayer, meditation, visualization, affirmations, relaxation exercises, serving others, strengthening patience, faith, and forgiveness, and remaining positive and optimistic. Environmental activities included maintaining a smoke free environment, evaluating the house for radon and asbestos, airing the house daily, if possible, and removing all pesticides, mold and other chemical contaminants. Relationship aspects included maintaining friendships with students, colleagues, and friends, and giving and receiving emotional support. Political aspects included being active in lecturing and publishing about complementary, holistic treatment for cancer, participating in the political process and professional organizations to bring about change in cancer and health care and financing and accessibility.
Over the following two years I saw my primary physician periodically for x-rays to measure progress.. After two years the spot was gone and I was cancer free. For the next 37 years I followed a slightly modified version of my cancer care plan and remained cancer free and healthy. At age 81 I have no known chronic diseases or prescribed medications, I walk on the beach for an hour each morning and live in a 3-story house so I am up and down stairs often.. I am mentally active writing books, hosting a radio show, marketing my recent book on radio, television and in magazines/ newspapers and providing free cancer education and resources to many patients monthly. To my cancer diet I added chicken, fish and some dairy and eat primarily organic or locally grown fruit and vegetables. I also find natural solutions for occasional health concern that arises.. Other aspects of the holistic care plan were continued.
The book also includes chapter by Dr Bernie Siegel, Dr Francisco Contreras, Dr James Forsythe, Dr Kim Dalzell; and Tanya Harter Pierce on additional alternative medical, and nutritional interventions for lung cancer used in clinics and at home. HYPERLINK “”
Dr Carl O Helvie, nurse practitioner, educator, author and researcher with 60 years experience, developed the Helvie Energy Theory of Nursing and Health that is used internationally, established a nursing center providing primary care for homeless and low income, published 8 books and over 100 articles and international research papers. After retirement he taught in Germany, hosted a radio show on holistic health, and was interviewed on over 160 radio and television shows and for over 45 magazine articles, He was recognized in most reference books, in Wikipedia and awarded the Distinguished Career Award from the American Public Health Association.
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