Networking as an absolutely vital component of business these days, and even smaller companies with just a handful of employees can benefit from having an interconnected workplace, in which everything they need can be accessed whenever and wherever they are.
The difficulty however, is that data is both incredibly valuable and potentially dangerous in the wrong hands. Security is of utmost importance, but sometimes it can get in the way of productivity, so you need to be able to maintain a strong balance of efficiency and security.
The primary things you should be guarding against are the threat from those aggressively trying to get into your network to acquire data, the danger posed by viruses and other software getting into your system, and the chance of your own employees leaking information through negligence. The key to preventing these things is having a secure network than cannot be easily bypassed, the software to deal with any viruses, and full control over staff access.
For most small businesses, establishing this framework is far easier than for a large company with multiple offices and many employees. Securing the office network with the relevant passwords and antivirus software is now thankfully common knowledge. The only real issues emerge in allowing employees to access the network and their data remotely.
In the modern age, it’s essential to allow your employees to do their work from wherever they are, so it’s an important part of efficiency. If you make this process too difficult, then you’re simply not helping, even if it means that you have a secure network. Having a very secure and reliable, and yet easily accessible VPN is the only real answer, and this is what you should pursue. Everything accessible from everywhere, but only to the people who need it.
This is a prime example of the importance of business agility, which large IT solutions providers such as Logicalis are placing a focus on. Once you have this framework in effect, you must also be ready to change. New users will need to be added in the future, and current ones must be removed as soon as they leave the business or change priorities. Different requirements may also be placed on the network, and efficiently accommodating them in the future will help keep things moving. If you don’t keep things secure, you’re exposing the business to risk, and if it’s not efficient, it will slow down.
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