Movie: Battleship
Rating: PG-13
Director: Peter Berg
Starring: Taylor Kitsch, Rihanna, Liam Neeson
I’ll be honest. I went to see Battleship because my nephew is in it. I liked the previews, my husband and I love that kind of movie, so off we went. That being said, I believe you have to love America and our military as much as I do, to truly appreciate this film.
The movie is slow to start as they build the main character, beginning with what a “screw up” he is. We see the beginning of a romance. And then we move straight on to the war games at sea. And this is where it goes all wrong for the navies of the world.
Earlier, scientists who have no common sense boundaries, contact an alien world because it’s atmosphere so nearly matches our own. I guess that’s a good of reason as any to undergo a completely idiotic course of action. And seriously, don’t these people watch movies? Because we all know what happened next. It’s formulaic. Aliens returned that signal with an invasion, naturally. So how did they change up the formula? Well, let me tell you.
This is where the story really begins to pop. A single remaining battleship, stuck within the force field, against an alien invader whose technology surpasses our own. Who will emerge the winner? Well, it boils down to this, the heroes of the past and heroes of today must combine their efforts in order to truly bring down the invaders. And that’s the part I loved best of all.
It’s a fast moving story once the aliens enter the scene. And we have a veteran who has lost his legs stepping up to do his part in saving the world. The love interest shows her courage and does the same. While at sea, we see the “screw up” become a man.
It’s an action/sci fi film, but it’s a lot of fun. Loved it, and I loved how our military stepped up to the task and kicked some alien butt! Suspend that disbelief, and go have a good time. It’s a fun movie. And yes, I’m a sap. I felt a patriotic thrill, just couldn’t help it! I was clapping at the action on the screen. I was hooting and hollering. Couldn’t help it. Go America!
I give Battleship 3.5 out of 5 stars, just because it was a little slow in the beginning. But this is a movie I will watch again. It put a big ol’ smile on my face.
I just have one question, what on earth is Hollywood’s obsession with the destruction of the world? They are always blowing up one major city or another. Can’t quite figure it out, but I have to admit, I love it when heroes, be they every day or super, step up to the task and get the job done!
Candace Salima is a radio talk show host, author, columnist, and makes her home in the Rocky Mountains. Learn more about her at Follow her on Twitter or Facebook.
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