By US Daily Review Staff.
The big story for most conservatives tonight was the defeat of Richard Lugar in his reelection bid in Indiana. However, there was an important vote in North Carolina on amendment regarding marriage. The Family Research Council’s President, Tony Perkins weighed in on North Carolina’s adoption of an amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman:
“We applaud North Carolina voters for joining voters in 31 other states in upholding the historic and natural definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. It has been our privilege to work with our allies at the North Carolina Values Coalition, North Carolina Family Policy Council, and pastors and priests across the state to get this issue placed on the ballot and campaign for its passage.
“At every opportunity, the American people have demonstrated a deep appreciation for the unique benefits that marriage between a man and a woman brings to families and society. They recognize that marriage is the only kind of union that results in natural procreation and keeps a mother and father together to raise the children produced by their union.
“This overwhelming support for marriage is clearly the reason why President Obama and liberal congressional candidates across the country have not expressed open support for same-sex marriage. They know that redefining marriage remains a losing position in mainstream American politics.
“Despite the relentless lawsuits and attempts to marginalize supporters of traditional marriage, a clear majority of the American people have not given up on standing in support of marriage – but instead the evidence suggests they want to see it strengthened and preserved for future generations,” concluded Perkins.
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