“Who should get the next jobs?” is the pointed theme of a seven-figure ad campaign launched recently by NumbersUSA in markets across the country. The ad asks if Congress should continue adding one million new immigrants every year to compete for new jobs, or should the jobs go to the millions of American workers and legal immigrants already here who still can’t find work?
The ads are scheduled to run for several weeks in Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire and North Carolina. The campaign is funded by NumbersUSA, which has a non-partisan grassroots network of more than 2 million citizens who seek a reduction in annual immigration numbers.
“We’re urging every citizen to ask a very simple question of their Senators — and of anybody who wants to be a Senator,” said NumbersUSA President Roy Beck. “Who should get the next jobs? Do they think their constituents who are looking for work should have priority for jobs? Or are they committed to catering to special-interest groups and helping corporate lobbyists continue to flood the labor market with new foreign workers who, through no fault of their own, depress the wages and job prospects for workers already here?”
“Polling shows that most Americans believe annual legal immigration should be reduced to improve the jobs and wages for American workers,” Beck said. “But many in Congress don’t agree.”
The ad notes that federal data show that nearly all job growth since the year 2000 has gone to foreign-born workers. During that time, the number of Americans who have fallen completely out of the labor market has risen to historically high levels. The wages for most working-class Americans, when adjusted for inflation, are lower now than in 1979.
“Despite the dismal wage and employment reports on American workers, most Members of Congress continue to favor high immigration of workers at all skill levels,” Beck said. “But polling shows the folks back home are far more interested in an immigration policy that protects America’s wage-earners and their families.”
Recent opinion research by The Polling Company/Woman Trend indicates Americans believe immigrants take jobs from Americans rather than create jobs and nearly 9 out of 10 believe U.S.-born workers and legal immigrants already here should get first preference for jobs.
Since 2007, special-interest groups have spent more than $1.5 billion on more than 3,000 lobbyists who have pushed passage of an immigration bill that would dramatically increase immigration.
In mid-2013, the groups nearly succeeded when the US Senate passed S.744, a bill that would have doubled legal immigration over the next ten years. Many Senators who voted for S.744 have been distancing themselves from the bill recently. The bill has not been brought to the floor of the House of Representatives.
NumbersUSA.com tracks and grades every Member of Congress on actions that affect the numerical level of immigration. The website also compares the immigration positions of every candidate running for Congress.
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