By Wayne Allyn Root, Special for USDR
When Rudy Guliani said he thought “Obama doesn’t love America,” it set off a media firestorm.
You know, those same fine ultra-liberal Americans now running the mainstream media who, while in class with me at Columbia University, cheered the assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan…and who today no doubt support students at California college campuses who voted to remove the American flag…criticized Guliani for simply stating the obvious.
Naturally, the media decided to play “gotcha” with GOP presidential candidates and ask them if they agree that Obama doesn’t love America. As usual, GOP candidates panicked and ran away from Guliani’s statement.
Well, I have the perfect answer to that question. Scott Walker are you listening?
The answer is:
I believe Obama loves America…the same way Castro has loved Cuba for the past half century. And I believe Obama loves America the same way Hugo Chavez loved Venezuela…the same way Stalin loved Russia…the same way Ho Chi Minh loved North Vietnam…and the same way the Socialist presidents of insolvent, bankrupt European Union countries like Greece, Spain and France today love their country.
I’m sure Obama loves America the same way they all loved their countries and their people. Yet they managed to destroy their countries and economies. That’s what socialism, communism, or Marxism (whatever you want to name it) does. It destroys everyone and everything it touches. Ask the people of Detroit now living in an abandoned city.
It’s not a matter of patriotism. Obama may love America. I’m sure Fidel Castro would say he’s the biggest Cuban patriot ever. Castro loves his people…and he will love Cuba until his dying breath.
Yet, look at the results.
Castro’s country lies in ruins. The Cuban people own nothing, not even their own thoughts or free speech. Disagree, protest, speak out publicly and the Castro brothers send you to prison to rot or die. People living in the country that Fidel Castro loves so much have spent the last half century escaping through shark infested waters in boats made of spit, glue and rubber tires. The Cuban people were willing to die to get away from the man who loves his country to death.
In all socialist countries “the state” takes care of you. “The state” knows what’s best. “The state” tells you what to think. In each and every case, all that love (and smothering state control) ruins your life.
In each and every case, all that love (and smothering state control) ruins your life.
So, does Obama “love America”? Perhaps, but it’s clear his version of love is similar to the husband who beats his wife, all the while proclaiming “I love you honey…this is for your own good.”
That’s exactly what Scott Walker and other GOP presidential candidates needed to say when the media asks “Does Obama love America?” That’s the perfect answer. Watch the media turn ash white and look sick to their stomachs.
No one can prove whether Obama loves America. But I do know he is destroying America. I do know Obama is Castro.
The people I trust who have dealt with Castro…the parents and grandparents of my friends in the Cuban community…all say Obama is Fidel Castro all over again. They’ve seen firsthand the lies, corruption, fraud, propaganda, massive taxation and regulation, the tyrant saying with such sincerity that he loves his country and is here to “save” it. They’ve heard him say that everything he does is for “the good of the people.” They recognize Castro when they see him…and Cubans who lived under Castro are certain Obama is Castro.
It’s not just Castro. Every socialist tin-pot dictator is the same. They all channel Saul Alinsky. Everything they say is the opposite of the truth. Everything they say is to deceive and distract. Everything they do is to bribe the poor with free stuff – stolen from the middle class and business owners. The politically correct name is “income redistribution.” But it’s theft. It’s the central tenant of communism and Karl Marx’s “Communist Manifesto.”
Rip off your opposition to make them poor and redistribute the stolen loot to the dependent poor, buying their loyalty and votes. That’s socialism… that’s Castro… and that’s Obama.
I have one more recommendation to GOP presidential candidates. When asked what you think of Guiliani’s comments, tell them you’ll answer only when they’ve asked Democrat presidential candidates if they agree with Obama’s comments that Muslim terrorists have “legitimate grievances”?
Do Democratic candidates agree with Obama that “Muslim” and “terrorist” can’t be used in the same sentence? Do they agree with his use of illegal Executive Orders to make law or his use of the IRS to destroy political opponents? Do they agree that illegal aliens given amnesty should collect up to $24,000 in income tax credits even though they paid no taxes?
Do they agree that $8 trillion in new debt added by Obama could destroy our economy and our children’s future?
Tell them you’ll answer their questions when you hear the Democrats’ answer to these.
It’s time to fight fire with fire. It’s time to stop bringing a knife to a gun fight. This is war. This is a battle for the very survival of America, American exceptionalism, small business, capitalism, free enterprise and free speech.
Sure Obama loves America, just like those communist tyrants loved their country. That is, as long as they own it…control it…and fundamentally change it. So perhaps the corrupt, Marxist, Muslim sympathizer, sociopath, tyrant in the White House loves America too. You can quote me.
It’s time to speak up now, before America is gone. It’s time to stand up to evil. It’s time to stand up to bullies. It’s time to take back America from the tyrant who loves it…to death.