Video-Pres. Obama admitted that former NBA great Michael Jordan is a better golfer than he is – but, only because the he hasn’t played enough golf.
Last week, Jordan called Obama a “hack” at golf, and said he wouldn’t play with the president because he’s a “s****y” golfer.
Obama responded to Jordan on Tuesday during an interview with WJMR, a local Wisconsin radio station, by saying he needed to play more golf to compete with Jordan: “There isno doubt that Michael is a better golfer than I am. Of course if I was playing twice a day for the last 15 years, then that might not be the case.”
But, Obama played his 200th round of golf as president on Oct. 12, according to And, when he hit 183 rounds back in August, the Washington Free Beacon reported that equaled a round of golf every 11 days in office in avideo montage of Obama repeatedly saying he “won’t rest”until he’s solved America’s most pressing problems.
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