Obama's "Shining" Accomplishments

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By Joe Messina Special for USDR




President Obama is our perfect president. He makes no mistakes and no bad decisions. Just ask him. He will tell you! Bad decisions are due either to “misspeaks” or to the GOP.



This president has no business making decisions. His leadership skills are nonexistent. And before you go there (though many of you will anyway,) it has nothing to do with his skin color, where he was or was not born, his sexual preference or non-preference, his love for Muslims, illegal aliens, his evolutions on same sex relationships or any number of other things. It has everything to do with his lack of leadership skills.



I didn’t start off with the distain I have for our Commandless Chief. Much to the chagrin of some of my Republican buddies, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and give him a chance to succeed or fail.



The first sign of a good leader is that he takes responsibility for everything, good, bad or mediocre. President Obama takes responsibility for all things he thinks are good. For everything else that fails, it’s someone else’s fault. The IRS corruption… 2 rouge agents in Ohio were at fault. Benghazi debacle… Secretary of State’s fault, maybe. Illegal invasion… it’s the GOP’s fault.



He can never articulate what his plan is on the front end or what it was on the back end. Leaders are quick, decisive, and know what they want or need to do and they know the best people to assign to carry it out. This president has no clue.



Among his shining accomplishments:



Releasing 5 major terrorist players in exchange for a soldier (traitor). He doesn’t care for our armed forces. And never being in the military, he doesn’t understand that even the rank-and-file see this exchange as a very bad move. Once again, he’s made America a less safe place. The newly released terrorists will be plotting against us as soon as they are done raping and killing a few of their own.



The VA scandal. He has shown an outstanding lack of leadership in the VA situation. Incredibly, he has known about this for years, yes, years! It was an issue for presidents before him but really started coming to a head under his watch. Apparently it wasn’t reported early enough in the media, so he knew nothing about it until he heard it with us on the news. Bull puckies. The VA shortcomings have been on the Inspector General Audits since 2005, every year! Is he not reading these things? Still, he takes no responsibility for the current problem.



The NSA, Obamacare, IRS, the economy, green energy investments, border security, and the Middle East. He says he knew nothing about who the NSA was spying on even though he gets a daily briefing. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor and if you like your plan, you can keep that too. There is no scandal with the IRS. The private sector is doing fine now. Green energy companies are doing well, that’s why we are supporting (loaning) money to them. The borders are more secure than they’ve been under any other administration. I am going to repair our relationships with countries in the Middle East. Have you gagged yet?



Every one of these issues could have been handled, made better, or corrected if the CEO of the country would have gotten involved and assigned the right people to it.



This administration goes after CEO’s of companies where employees have made mistakes and where employees have withheld information that hurt the company. They want those CEO’s, and other executive board members, fired, jailed, fined, and more. If there are no major issues, they want them to take salary cuts or smaller bonuses and give more money to the workers.



Well, shouldn’t the president, the CEO of the country, take the blame and responsibility for what his people do? Shouldn’t he be stopping bonuses and firing people rather than “asking” for resignations?



He has such a great handle on foreign affairs that he wants Israel to give up much of its territories (borders) in the name of peace. He wants the Ukraine to work out a peaceful deal with Russia. His policies have caused issues all over the Middle East. No longer can the USA be counted on to be a true ally and protector. He wants to respect the rights of illegals busting our border as human beings, but he won’t hold those same illegals to the laws of the country he swore to protect.



In all cases, it’s the previous administration’s fault, it’s the current congress’ fault (never mentions the Senate), it’s a rogue employee, it’s the big bad corporation, or it’s Big Foot. He never says, “I made a wrong call or a bad decision.”



We are stuck with a leaderless chief. We are stuck with a president who has absolutely no leadership abilities whatsoever. Can he make some people feel good? Yes. But it’s as short-lived as time spent with a cheap hooker (so I’ve heard).



In the professional world, people who claim to “know everything” in their respective professions are generally considered fools by their colleagues. A true professional, and one you can trust, in any industry is one who understands they can’t know everything, but they do know how to pull the people and resources together to get the job done.



If you think you’re flawless and perfect… well, there’s your flaw, you can take it from there.



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