By James Hirsen, Special for USDR
Even though Piers Morgan no longer has the host gig of the CNN news show that bore his name, he recently let it be known that he plans to film a cinematic attack on the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution via a documentary backed by some major Hollywood heavyweights.
“I’ve been approached by a couple of big independent producers in Hollywood to make it [anti-gun documentary],” Morgan recently told Politico, claiming that he already has a “big offer on the table” from a “big player in Hollywood” to finance the project.
The former cable TV personality did acknowledge, however, that the Hollywood deal has not yet been finalized, stating, “We’re not quite where we both want to be yet, but we’re negotiating hard, and other people might come in.”
The upcoming release, or “guns movie” as Morgan calls it, was described by the would-be filmmaker as a movie in the style of “Bowling for Columbine,” Michael Moore’s 2002 Second Amendment slam. Morgan indicated that the project of which he looks forward to being a part will focus on gun violence in the U.S.
There is no love lost between Morgan and the countless numbers of Americans who have a deep respect for the Constitution. The “Larry King Live” show replacement routinely dedicated significant portions of his ratings-challenged, and ultimately canceled, cable television show to rail against gun ownership.
Prior to coming to the U.S., Morgan was both a writer and editor for several British tabloids. He is now back in the print business working for a tabloid, the UK Daily Mail.
Morgan, a former judge on “America’s Got Talent” and “Britain’s Got Talent” and winner of Celebrity Apprentice,” took King’s place in January of 2011 after King retired. He often brought conservatives on his now-defunct show with the apparent intent of ambushing his guests, particularly on the gun issue. More times than not, though, it was Morgan who came out the debate loser.
Morgan was let go by CNN in February of 2014 and the final segment of his show aired in March of 2014, reportedly due to the program’s continuous dismal ratings.
The former CNN host does not blame himself for the cancellation of his cable news program. Rather, Morgan took a shot at a former colleague, news anchor Anderson Cooper, by laying part of the blame on Cooper for the demise of his own show. “Piers Morgan Live” followed Cooper’s “Anderson Cooper 360.”
“Could I have done with a better lead-in? Yes.” Morgan remarked. “Anderson is a great field reporter, but does he drive big ratings at CNN, outside of a big news cycle? I don’t see any evidence of it.”
He complained that CNN scheduled Cooper both before and after him, saying that “…the whole bank was being bet on him at 8 and 10 o’clock.”
He also laid some of the blame on the man he used to work for at CNN, Jeff Zucker, claiming that Zucker placed too much emphasis on ratings.
“I’ve always felt that CNN should be more resilient to media criticism about monthly or quarterly ratings,” Morgan said. “Ted Turner once described CNN to me as The New York Times of television. We don’t care about chasing ratings or chasing readers. We care about having a brand that is so trusted that whenever anything important happens in the world, people turn us on.”
Morgan additionally said, “Our business proposition is not predicated on ratings, our global brand is not dependent on how we rate at 9 p.m. in America.”
Appearing to be a bit thin-skinned and perhaps harboring the desire to take out his frustrations on those who respect the inherent rights embodied in the Second Amendment of the Constitution, it appears as though Morgan is also not averse to burning a bridge or two. Using his Twitter account, he disparaged his predecessor King, calling the cable news legend “a constant poisonous twerp…”
Morgan has had unflattering things to say about other celebrities as well, including those he had banned from his cable show. One of the banished ones was Madonna, who, according to MTV, Morgan felt had “slighted” him. He also evidently thought he had been lied to by the material girl’s publicist.
Kelsey Grammer, too, was banned from Morgan’s show. Grammer reportedly tried to add some parameters to a scheduled Morgan interview, which related to Grammer’s not wanting to discuss certain personal matters.
Then there was the instance in which barred actor Hugh Grant was referred to at the time by Morgan as a “tedious little man.”
Interestingly, with his sights set on making an anti-gun movie, Morgan still seems to have a longing to get back on the small screen.
“I’m not an idiot,” he claimed. “If Rupert Murdoch sat me down tomorrow and said, ‘We want to put you on the Fox network in prime time.’ … Well, I’m not stupid. The jury’s still out on that one.”
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