By Jeremy Morris, Associate Editor, USDR
Full Disclosure Network(R) is releasing a three minute video preview of a six-segment interview series featuring the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, founder of the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND) who is a controversial black leader, advocating individual responsibility instead of hatred. He began his TV crusade on public access cable TV channels in Los Angeles. Watch video here:
Segment 1 How Black America is Exploited by Black Leadership
He says that Black people in America are suffering not because they are victims of racism, but….because they have turned their lives over to the government
Segment 4 Perfect Love Is The Answer
Rev. Peterson explains that “anger cannot exist where there is perfect love and true love comes with forgiveness.”
Segment 5 The “N” Word, George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin
He says that if the “N” word is such a bad word, Black people would stop saying it, but it is used instead to control white people. He says perfect love makes it impossible to be hurt by words.
Segment 6 Women Hating Fathers
Rev. Peterson stirred up controversy when he explained why he believes some women hate their fathers.
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