Is the GOP Out of Touch?
By Kevin Price, Publisher and Editor in Chief, USDR. From Kevin Price's column in Huffington Post: With only hours left...
By Kevin Price, Publisher and Editor in Chief, USDR. From Kevin Price's column in Huffington Post: With only hours left...
By Wayne Allyn Root, Special for USDR America observed the one year anniversary of ObamaCare this month. Just like some...
By USDR Republicans, especially in border states, are terrified by the prospects of easing the path to citizenship...
By USDR. The U.S. House of Representatives voted this evening to give Congressional authorization to the Secretary...
By Wayne Allyn Root, Special for USDR It’s happening right now in America. Billionaires and big business are teaming...
Kevin Price, Publisher and Editor in Chief of USDR, recently wrote about the latest efforts by the largely impotent US...
By USDR. The House GOP has abruptly pulled the plug on the immigration bill it just passed...
By USDR US Daily Review recently chatted with Matthew Reischer, Esq of This is what the...
By USDR     Richard A. Viguerie, author of TAKEOVER, The 100-Year War for the Soul of the...
By USDR Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), who will chair the new House Select Committee on the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack, said Sunday that...
By Wayne Allyn Root, Special for USDR Something is wrong with the most powerful Republican in the United States...
By CIS, Special for USDR The nation's prolonged flow of legal immigration has changed – and continues...
By Wayne Allyn Root, Special for USDR Don’t look now, but we are experiencing a Democrat crime spree. Who would...
By John LeBoutillier, Special for USDR Why are 60% of Americans “disappointed” in the Obama Presidency? Has it become...
By USDR CPAC attendees are rejecting the Republican establishment and its brand of Big Government "me-too-ism" in favor of...
By USDR The Daily Caller pointed out the far reaching consequences of the Senate's vote this week to raise...
By USDR. Congress is seriously looking into the Benghazi incident. Since the media has largely ignored this issue,...
By the Price of Business, Media Partners of US Daily Review. In a surprising turn of events, Congressman...