Obesity has been recognized as a disease in itself, and it takes a significant toll on the body as well as the mind. Increased risks like diabetes, heart failure, and stroke make living with severe obesity a daily hazard that, on average, decreases life expectancy by twenty years.
Such physical impairments are bad enough, but severe obesity also takes a large toll on mental health as well, as verified by a recently published study in from the National Institute of Health (NIH). Though not all severely obese individuals are depressed, a significantly higher percentage of them are when compared to the general population.
These results may be disturbing, but there is more hope than ever for severely obese individuals as weight loss surgeons like Dr. Michael Feiz, M.D. F.A.C.S. regularly deliver effective solutions for a healthier mind and body.
The NIH has also found that individuals with a higher BMI (Body Mass Index) scored higher on the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). The results are twofold. They indicate that A) people who are depressed are more likely to become severely obese and B) people who are severely obese are more likely to become depressed. There are many factors behind both realities.
Stress and consistent emotional difficulty often lead to regular binge eating, which can obviously lead to obesity. On the other hand, individuals who are obese tend to suffer from body image related issues which cause them to experience sustained emotional difficulties, particularly for young women.
The results of the study were not all discouraging. The same study indicated that weight level was directly proportional to mental health, which meant that the healthier the weight of the individual, the better their mental health tended to be.
The obvious conclusion was that individuals suffering from severe obesity, as well as poor mental health, could perhaps reverse both afflictions at the same time. To fight severe obesity, bariatric surgery such as a Lap Band or sleeve gastrectomy procedure, is an excellent tool to achieve a healthy weight over the long term. Where other methods yield unsatisfactory results in most cases, weight loss surgery is proven to be safe, practical, and consistently effective in the long term.
Thought it can be difficult to find the right doctor for weight loss surgery, Dr. Feiz and his outstanding medical team at Dr. Feiz and Associates, delivers the positive results his patients through years of unrivaled dedication and experience. While utilizing superb medical skills, the latest technology and advanced methods, Dr. Feiz offers superior care with minimally invasive techniques that minimize complications and recovery times.
Severe obesity can deliver major obstacles to a healthy mind and a healthy body, but there’s no reason to live with either. If you or a loved one is severely obese and suffering physical and mental setbacks that may be related to severe obesity, it may be time to seek the top notch care of Dr. Feiz today, and start the process toward a better tomorrow.
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