Looking at the news and opinion out of London each day.
Election? What election?
This week’s referendum on allowing cities to elect a mayor is at the heart of David Cameron’s plan to return power to the people. But does anybody care?
Voters will reward honesty and competence
Mid-term local elections are rarely happy hunting grounds for governments, and this Thursday’s contests are unlikely to buck the trend.
The new Tory ‘club’ belongs to a bygone age
The Cameron-Osborne-Letwin-Maude team ignore the era of meritocracy that saw a truly modernised party emerge.
When did Britain become the kind of country that tolerates voting fraud?
Labour’s massive expansion of postal voting opened the door to electoral fraud.
Boris pledges monthly Twitter Q&A
Boris Johnson today pledged to become London’s “Twitter Mayor” by holding a monthly question and answer session on the social networking site if he is re-elected.
Labour is less ready to govern than ever
Labour’s Ed Miliband has criticised the Coalition, but has been almost silent about what he would do instead if elected to office.
Londoners on the Left do not have to vote for Ken
I understand why many voters on the progressive wing of politics are struggling with voting for Ken Livingstone. His campaign has been sad, desperate and divisive.
Axing Audit Commission to save nearly three times more than first thought
The abolition of the Audit Commission will save nearly three times more than first thought, ministers said.
Guardian poll shows majority oppose elected mayors
The Guardian this morning has a poll which shows agreement, by 61% to 34%, with the proposition: “a local council mostly run by councillors from political parties that have a local majority” than adopt “a directly elected mayor” to run things in their area.
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