Prime Minister David Cameron wrote this op-ed in the Sunday Express newspaper. Well worth looking at. Some powerful words from the Prime Minister:
“But what is clear in the aftermath of these riots is that we don’t just need to reclaim our streets, we need to reclaim our society. The greed and thuggery we saw during the riots did not come out of nowhere. There are deep problems in our society that have been growing for a long time: a decline in responsibility, a rise in selfishness, a growing sense that individual rights come before anything else.”
Blaming a moral decline for the riots makes good headlines but bad policy
Former Prime Minister Tony Blair also wrote an op-ed on Sunday, this one for the Guardian.
“In 1993, following James Bulger’s murder, I made a case in very similar terms to the one being heard today about moral breakdown in Britain. I now believe that speech was good politics but bad policy. Focus on the specific problem and we can begin on a proper solution. Elevate this into a high- faluting wail about a Britain that has lost its way morally and we will depress ourselves unnecessarily, trash our own reputation abroad and, worst of all, miss the chance to deal with the problem in the only way that will work.”
Osborne and Cameron announce new Enterprise Zones
“We are determined to do everything we can to make Britain the best place in the world to start and grow a business. Enterprise Zones are a major step towards delivering this – cutting business taxes, easing planning restrictions and giving business the tools they need to invest and expand. These new Enterprise Zones will be trailblazers for growth, jobs and prosperity throughout the country.” – Prime Minister David Cameron
New enterprise zones ‘to create 30,000 jobs’ in hi-tech industries planned as antidote to Britain’s sluggish economy
“Enterprise zones are a critical part of our plan for growth, and will support economic development and create more than 30,000 new jobs by 2015.” – Chancellor George Osborne
An open letter to David Cameron about his speech on the riots
Prime Minister David Cameron delivered a speech on Monday about the London riots. This open letter is in response to that speech.
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