Looking at the news and opinion out of London each day.
Are people really that offended by Godfrey Bloom’s comments?
Lots of people are hating on Ukip’s Godfrey Bloom after he featured on the Today programme attacking foreign aid, which he said was used ‘to buy Ray-Ban sunglasses, apartments in Paris, Ferraris’ and ‘F18s for Pakistan’. What made many furious was that he was recorded referring to recipient countries as ‘Bongo Bongo land’.
Carney’s new focus on unemployment may be well-intentioned, but it neglects the danger and evils of inflation
Mark Carney’s first major announcement as Governor of the Bank of England contains the kind of message you would expect from someone standing for election, rather than a technocrat with targets to hit.
Who on earth are British Influence trying to influence?
“My old friend Peter Wilding of British Influence begins a riposte to Douglas Carswell in the Daily Telegraph as follows: “In the 1970s you could find in Tory Associations up and down the land cabals of retired colonels and spotty youths coming together to agree that the country had gone to the dogs and the only way forward was back. These were not the Thatcherites.”
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