Looking at the news and opinion out of London each day.
The barbaric events that pushed Poland into the arms of the EU
As Britain reconsiders its role in Europe, it’s important to remember our allies’ suffering
Almost two in three Tory members believe Cameron was wrong to move Gove
This response can’t be read in any other way than as an emphatic thumbs-down to the change.
The Coalition’s triumphalism over restoring output to its starting level is totally misplaced
When accountants and civil libertarians team up, the Government has a problem
New money-grabbing powers for HMRC are a threat to our security, not a guarantee of it.
Ed Miliband can win if he grasps what ‘the Choice’ really is
The country is not interested in choosing between the old ideologies of the Eighties, but in a real attempt by the parties to respond to the post-Crash political landscape
With a glimmer in his eye, Boris performs an EU fan dance
Who knows the Mayor’s real views? He is flirting with Better Off Out, showing just enough skin to tantalise.
Our politics has been hijacked by celebrity causes when it comes to global development
Mutually assured benefits: Francis Maude’s public sector revolution
A revolution is underway in Bromley. The average time that it takes for a leg ulcer to be treated and healed has been cut from 21 weeks to 5 weeks. The partnership that has achieved this dramatic improvement is one of 100 new public sector mutuals employing 35,000 people across England Wales. These are employee-controlled businesses that have been spun out of the public sector, and which now account for £1.5bn worth of public services.
Lending is picking up – might that finally push the MPC into raising rates?
Contrary to billing, the recovery in the UK economy over the past eighteen months has not been “debt-fuelled”. But lending has finally started to expand and that may quite quickly tip the Bank of England over the edge into a rate rise. Indeed, we may even see some votes for a rise as soon as next week.
How successful was Cameron’s reshuffle? Was he right to move Gove away from Education?
Answer these questions – and more – in our latest monthly survey.
Look where Tony Blair’s messianic fervour has left us
While trawling down the Mail Online’s right-hand-side of the page porno strip, to consider analytically the latest photographs of Jessica Alba in a swimming costume, I came across a rather good piece of journalism by Stephen Glover.
Before promising tax cuts, repeat after me: The deficit hasn’t gone away
If we go into the next election with too much tax cut talk it will risk our reputation for fiscal responsibility.
The NHS’s sympathy deficit
Sometimes I have a quiet time as a voluntary hospital visitor. But recently I’ve witnessed a lot of distress from people of all ages and types. The other week I saw an elderly Middle Eastern man bent over a bin in a ward corridor, crying almost uncontrollably. I asked him the problem and he stuttered out that he had been watching his daughter sleeping, and he believed she was going to die.
David Cameron’s voteless recovery
The economy has recovered, and is steadily growing. That much is now clear. It has long been assumed that this will help the Conservative Party’s electoral fortunes. The logic goes that, having steered the country through difficult economic times, a grateful public will come out in their droves to thank them for it. But politics is never that simple, and the public are rarely so willing to give credit to politicians.
Soaring stamp duty is exacting a high social cost
A cut in this punitive levy would breathe new life into the housing market – and may increase revenue for the Treasury
Western weakness caused this crisis in the East
The story of the last 15 years is one of appeasement, apology and hand-wringing. Is it any wonder Putin feels bold?
‘Migrant cop-out’…’Why won’t Cameron come clean?’…’Window dressing’ – the new immigration ‘crack-down’ falters
The papers, the experts and the competition all vividly illustrate the mire in which Cameron is wading.
On immigration, and on economics too, Conservative language has become far too bureaucratic
Tories should not wish to be the party which proposes greater planning and regimentation as the answer to difficult questions.
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Across The Pond is edited daily by Steve Parkhurst. Steve is a political consultant, a writer at his blog as well as a Senior Editor here at US Daily Review. Follow Steve on Twitter @SteveParkhurst
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