Looking at the news and opinion out of London each day.
The Axe man cometh
David Axelrod jets into London this week for the first time since signing up to help Labour in 2015. Axelrod, who friends admit is no expert on UK politics, will have two days to try and get his head round the shape of the next election campaign.
This time, the ‘vision thing’ is the key to No 10
The Conservatives have failed to clarify who is on the receiving end of their garbled appeal
The figures make it look as if unemployment is going down, but they hide a multitude of sins and as usual it is the poorest that suffer the most
Gove fought the Laws, and the Laws won?
If the Liberal Democrat Minister can’t live with his Secretary of State’s decisions, he should quit.
The rebirth of class war holds perils for the Tories
David Cameron’s aides quote Kipling’s warning in ‘If’ about truth ‘twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools’
Will voters feel Cameron’s confidence about European reform?
Why is David Cameron so confident that he’ll get what he wants from his renegotiation of Britain’s relationship with Europe? Today on the Andrew Marr Show he managed to advocate Britain voting ‘yes’ in the 2017 referendum before he’s even started changing the terms of the membership voters would be backing.
The gilded generation – why the young have never had it so good
Andrew Tyrie V The Thing
The Treasury Select Committee is right to resist the Government’s plan to empower HMRC to raid bank accounts without the permission of a court.
How France’s left-wing government learned to love austerity
A second Coalition. A minority Conservative Government. Or…
…a deal with DUP?
Complacent Cameron slips on Miliband’s bananas
Easy triumphs soften victors. Cameron demonstrated this truism today as he took two unexpected blows from Ed Miliband at PMQs. The Labour leader led on his new policy of rent controls. Cameron, rather weakly, seemed amenable to the reform but offered no concrete proposals of his own. Miliband struck.
What’s Ed Miliband got to shout about?
The Labour Party leader has been boasting about his intellectual self-confidence. But political intelligence comes in many forms
A new study reveals that attitudes to, and among, ethnic minorities in the UK are changing for the better
Labour aims squarely for its base with witty class war broadcast
Labourites are very pleased with their latest party election broadcast, featuring the ‘un-credible shrinking man’, Nick Clegg, growing smaller and smaller at the Cabinet table as the Tories around him hatch various evil plans to ruin poor people’s lives through the bedroom tax, cuts to the NHS and tuition fees.
It’s 12 months until the general election – and Ed Miliband hasn’t even got out of bed
Today marks a significant milestone in the British electoral calendar. We are now exactly 12 months away from the next general election.
Next Tory leader: Boris holds his advantage over Theresa May
Gove down, Davis up – and everything else steady.
General election 2015: Look who’s not voting Tory
Ethnic minorities are backing Labour in droves. But one country has bucked the Western trend for immigrants to support Centre-Left parties
Opposition to a Conservative-UKIP pact hits record high among Party members
Over three in five are against a deal.
As inclusive Britain becomes more multi-ethnic, what will happen to ‘Englishness’?
The Policy Exchange report on Britain’s ethnic minority population today is a first-class bit of work, full of important and interesting facts about us and our nation. I heartily recommend reading the whole thing, but here, there’s on aspect I’d like to focus on: national identity.
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Across The Pond is edited daily by Steve Parkhurst. Steve is a political consultant, a writer at his blog as well as a Senior Editor here at US Daily Review. Follow Steve on Twitter @SteveParkhurst
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