Looking at the news and opinion out of London each day.
Suddenly, Cameron’s charm is toxic and Miliband has discovered his Mojo
The Stalinism of Tory small-staters
Increasingly heavy-handed Ofsted inspections offer a window on the government’s anachronistic love affair with centralism
William Hague sounds unenthusiastic about an in/out European referendum
Earlier this week, the Spectator’s James Forsyth (and our own Paul Goodman) helped start a debate about whether a European referendum could be proposed for the 2015 general election.
The minister who put his principles first
Charles Moore reviews Confessions of a Eurosceptic, by David Heathcoat-Amory
Politics in this age of austerity will be a contest of character
The danger for David Cameron is that the electorate will see him as out of touch.
William Hague: David Cameron is the sanest person to lead the Conservative Party in a long time
William Hague has said in an interview that working harder is the only growth strategy and dampens hopes of an “in-out” referendum on the European Union.
Paul Maynard MP: Tory MPs should be more loyal, less panicky and Cameron should more clearly set out where he is leading us
The 1970s are back in fashion again – at least from the TV schedules’ point of view. It is fascinating watching and reading ‘history’ that I can, just about, dimly remember bits of.
The Coalition is running out of steam, just two years in
Relations between the partners is strained and Tory backbenchers are unhappy.
Why not make every school turn private?
Perhaps the only success story in the Cabinet is Michael Gove. Although he speaks as though he is sitting on the rough end of a pineapple, the manner in which he deals with the whingeing ‘work-is-soooo-stressful’ teachers is a joy to behold
Coalition winners and losers in the Queen’s Speech
The government’s legislative programme will focus on economic growth and constitutional reform, according to this morning’s Queen’s Speech. But it was interesting to note what wasn’t included in the pageantry
Gay marriage: importing America’s culture wars has backfired on David Cameron
The Prime Minister is in retreat over gay marriage – but he should never have picked the fight to begin with.
Public sector strikers must face reality
Today’s public sector 24-hour strikes are undeniably less damaging than those last November which involved 30 unions — but they still have their intended effect of inconveniencing the public.
How the Union Jack became our national standard
Before becoming one nation, Britain’s countries had separate national flags. Nick Groom discovers we all ended up saluting the Union Jack
Worst civil servants to be sacked
Under-performing civil servants will be identified and fired under plans to rank all government officials in order of ability, The Daily Telegraph can disclose.
Queen’s Speech: why was there no plan for growth?
David Cameron was facing growing criticism from business leaders who claimed that the Queen’s Speech contained too few measures that would boost the economy.
The Right has yet to grasp that many voters still regard its party as a ideologically hidebound club for the wealthy
Queen’s speech: a story of coalition uncertainty
David Cameron is now struggling to send a clear message to the nation about what the coalition is for
Coalition sets course through the storm
Today’s Queen’s Speech is constrained by two factors: the political compromises required by coalition and the dire state of the economy.
Parental leave is good for growth. And that includes fathers
The sense of parental leave is self-evident, yet we continue to discuss it in ever-decreasing circles
Policing, transport, roadworks, the cityscape … this time the Mayor needs to behave like the man in charge
It’s a hearts and minds battle for ‘Camborne’
After the Chancellor confronted on television the depths of his Government’s unpopularity, a political commentator tweeted with distaste that Osborne, like Cameron, looked very well on the country’s misfortune.
David Cameron and Nick Clegg re-dedicate themselves to the economy in ‘Rose Garden II’ press conference
David Cameron and Nick Clegg have re-dedicated themselves and their parties to the Coalition’s “guiding task” of securing the economic recovery.
It’s all doom and gloom with Cameron and Clegg
The PM and DPM took a trip to a tractor factory in Essex to relaunch the coalition, but had very little new information to share
The tide is turning against EU bureaucracy
Britain is no longer a lone voice in the push for deregulation and a flexible labour market.
The Tories must find a way of getting along
Forget a leadership challenge, but the PM’s critics should steer him in the right direction.
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