Week of Sept 12 – Sept 18

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Nick Clegg punches too far above his weight

Telegraph View: despite having a tiny number of MPs, the Lib Dems exercise a huge effect on government policy.


Osborne and US clash with EU leaders over financial transaction tax

Fractious meeting of finance ministers sees Europeans vow to push on with tax to bolster rescue funds despite UK objections

Libya: Tony Blair and Col Gaddafi’s secret meetings

New questions over Tony Blair’s ties to Col Muammar Gaddafi and his role in the release of the Lockerbie bomber have emerged from documents discovered in Tripoli.

Liberal Democrat Party Conference 2011: ‘We’re picking fights and punching above our weight’, says Clegg

Nick Clegg has claimed the Liberal Democrats were picking fights with their Tory Coalition partners every day to “put things right” in the Government.

Danny Alexander makes ‘indisputable case’ for pension reform (video)

Treasury Chief Secretary Danny Alexander says public sector pensions must be “affordable, sustainable, high quality and fair”.


The Obama White House: a micro-brewery in search of a brand

The White House is making its own beer – but the brew surely needs a catchy name. Any ideas?


David Cameron under pressure to soften hardline deficit strategy

Institute of Directors, the Prince’s Trust and the TUC join the opposition in demanding action to boost the flagging economy

Migrant jobseekers who don’t bother to learn English will be stripped of benefits, pledges Cameron

Tough new measure is part of a slate of reforms to end welfare dependency and get Britain back to work

Sarah Palin accused of taking cocaine in new book

Sarah Palin, the former Republican Vice-Presidential candidate, has been hit by lurid allegations that she had a fling with a basketball player just before she got married and took cocaine while out snowmobiling.

Michele Bachmann HPV row prompts fears for vaccine programme in US

Doctors and scientists say Bachmann’s comments risk further reducing already low take-up rates for vaccine in US

US elections: Barack Obama’s re-election prospects hit by historic loss of ‘safe’ New York seat

President Barack Obama’s re-election prospects were dealt a double blow yesterday when Democrats lost a congressional seat they had held since 1923 and new figures showed American poverty at its highest level for 18 years.


Rick Perry, bloodied but unbowed in GOP debate

He complained of being a piñata last time. This time, Perry was the punchbag – and it was Michele Bachmann landing the blows

Last night in the Thatcher Room, a new Eurosceptic Movement of Tory MPs was born

By one count there were 104 Conservative MPs; another put it at 120 – twice the total number of Liberal Democrats in the House of Commons.

Tory eurosceptics want ‘clear plan’

More than 120 eurosceptic Tory MPs have taken part in a meeting to discuss Britain’s position in Europe amid growing unrest in the party over the issue.


Let’s force British politicians to balance the budget

After the Coalition: to secure the country’s economic future, we need a new balanced budget law like Switzerland.

Email leak undermines planning law shake-up

Telegraph View: The revelations that the planning minister, Greg Clark, has privately urged developers to lobby David Cameron undermine his claims of objectivity.

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