6 Tips to Prevent Roofing Leaks

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A roof leak is a prevalent problem across households and is one of the main reasons people call for professional help. Besides being common, it is also among the top costly issues that can cause great havoc. The reason being, professionals detect leaks after they have done massive damage inside a home.

Therefore, it is good to prevent and ensure that your roof is in good condition to avoid future calamities.

Ensure your roof undergoes regular maintenance services and inspection

Discovery of a leak source can be a very hectic job, as they tend to be very elusive. Leaks will hardly line up with spots with no access to water channels such as ceilings and walls, paint peeling, and blisters. Thus, it requires a trained professional’s services to detect the leakage source before it leads to something serious.

All this problem can be prevented by scheduling comprehensive roof maintenance annually. Like other items in your home, the roof also needs care and attention to maintain its shape and function properly. Thus, it’s essential to contact a roofer, come up with a date, and have your roof inspected.

Check the drip edge

Drip edge is a critical roofing component as it adds a curb appeal to your home and protects the fascia from the rainwater. Thus, it is essential to inspect this part to identify damages and misplaced drip edges.

A misplaced drip edge creates a gap between the roof deck and the fascia board where the water penetrates. This causes the wood to rot, creating a way for the water to the interior ceilings and walls. Furthermore, the gaps created by misplaced drip edges can be entry points for critters and insects. Thus, it’s crucial to inspect the drip edges and ensure they are safely in place and operating correctly.

Maintain and clean the gutter system

Downspouts and gutters are integral parts of a roof system and play a crucial role in preventing roof leaks and water damage. Hence, the gutter system should always be a part of your regular inspection and maintenance plan at least once a year. This is because the gutter system plays a significant role in draining rainwater and directs rainwater away from the house and roof.

The gutter system can get clogged with branches, leaves, dirt, twigs, and needles. If you have trees and bushes surrounding your home, you should regularly inspect the gutters to enhance the system’s lifespan.

Once clogged, the gutter system will have challenges in draining the water, pushing the water to the walls and ceilings, leading to vital water damage. Hence, it is crucial to ensure that the gutter system is clean to enhance efficient water drainage.

Inspect the attic

The attic is one place that your roofer will recommend you to focus on. Before you venture into inspecting the outside roof parts, it is good to ensure that nothing from the interior is causing the leaks.

When you inspect, ensure that the ventilation ports are not blocked, resulting in dangerous heat buildup and moisture. Other signs of moisture buildup and leaks include the presence of mold and algae.

Inspect the roof flashing

Roof flashing is the metal that links the different parts of the roof, such as the chimney and skylights. Thus, such areas must be strong, tightly fitted, and resistant to stop the rainwater from penetrating the roof’s different portions into your ceilings and walls. Always check for holes and gaps in the flashing and ensure that it is not bent or loose.

Install hip and ridge cap shingles and waterproof barriers

Installing roofing shingles and hips help protect the roof from wind damage. It is also essential to prevent leaks by equipping your roofing system with waterproof barriers at vents, eaves, dormers, chimneys, and skylights.

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