By Kevin Price, Publisher and Editor in Chief of US Daily Review.
The left successfully waged a war against the US military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy. This policy simply meant that, if you are in the military, do not ask subordinates about their sexual preference and if a homosexual, don’t tell others of such or you could face a discharge. Those defending this policy were those on the cultural and political right who saw it as a reasonable approach to prevent issues such as sexual preference from being a distraction in the military and as a way to actually protect homosexuals from potential harm because of the armed services perception of such a lifestyle.
Back track now to roughly twenty years ago when in 1992 Bill Clinton advocated for “DADT” over the policy of making it prohibited for homosexuals to serve in the military, which had explicitly been the case for decades. The same conservatives that fought for DADT in recent months fought passionately against it a generation ago, because there was a paradigm shift over the last two decades. I’m reminded of the great philosopher, Francis Schaeffer who argued that which is unthinkable in one generation, will become thinkable the next, and common practice after that. Schaeffer observed the teachings of Georg Wilheim Friedrich Hegel. In his book How Should We Then Live?, Schaeffer writes: “In the Universe Next Door (1976) James W. Sire summarizes Frederick Copleston’s study of Hegel in Volume 7 of A History of Philosophy (1963). This summary is so succinct that I will quote it, insofar as Copleston’s treatment is too lengthy to quote in full: ‘According to Hegel, the universe is steadily unfolding and so is man’s understanding of it. No single proposition about reality can truly reflect what is the case. Rather, in the heart of the truth of a given proposition one finds its opposite. This, where, recognized, unfolds and stands in opposition to the thesis. Yet there is truth in both thesis and antithesis, and when this is perceived a synthesis is formed and a new proposition states the truth of the newly recognized situation. But this in turn is found to contain its own contradiction and the process goes on ad infinitum. Thus the universe and man’s understanding of it unfolds dialectically. In short the universe with its consciousness — man — evolves.'”
In the early 1990s what was the thesis in regards to gays in the military? It was prohibited. The antithesis was that it should be allowed, and the synthesis became “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” The new thesis is DADT and you see how it goes from there. Because of this relativistic view of truth we can clearly see how the secular humanists have clearly won. It is only a question of when, not if. That is why as we have same-sex marriage breaking out all over the country, when 40 years ago homosexuality was still deemed a psychopathy by professional psychiatrists. Those who wonder, could we as humans some day become married to animals are not “nuts” as advocated by those on the left, but are simply making the same observations that Schaeffer made when examining Hagel’s dialectic. If you eliminate the basic idea that has stood the test of Western civilization for millenia — that marriage is to be between a man and woman; then anything is at risk in light of Hagel’s thinking.
We see these type of paradigm shifts in many areas: the role of government in the United States has “evolved” from protector to provider, the view of homosexuals and now the “transgendered,” the view that intelligent design is a possibility (and the standard view of Christians for centuries) has been replaced with a “Big Bang Theory” that is treated as fact, and so on. Fighting for “THE” truth is a challenging proposition, since the left has disposed of it as just another archaic idea.
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