Week of Nov 18 – Nov 24

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Looking at the news and opinion out of London each day.


Paterson’s robust pitch to those who’ve given up on the Conservatives

In his second big speech since leaving the Cabinet, he urges Cameron to trigger the process for Britain leaving the EU.

Is the free movement of people an inviolable principle of the EU?


Nigel Farage: ‘I won’t go on for ever as leader’

Nigel Farage, the Ukip leader, reveals when he intends to step down – and says his replacement is likely to be a woman

We Brits are more class obsessed than ever – which plays right into Ukip’s hands

No one has quite managed to pin a class image on Farage’s party

Has the resurgent SNP scared Gordon Brown away from Westminster?

It’s being reported that Gordon Brown has decided not to fight the next general election. Odd timing, you might think, he’s had almost five years to make up his mind – so why bail now, just four months away from the dissolution of parliament? Such a delay puts his successor at a distinct disadvantage, with only a few weeks to become established.

No party wants to privatise the NHS,but the NHS has always used a lot of private sector work


For some left-wing men, the misogyny of the Islamic State is part of the appeal

The way they treat women is not the catch – it’s the unspoken main attraction

Why does Labour despise or marginalise England? The curious case of 3 English flags.

How America’s right wing is becoming a lot more like Britain’s

Today’s Republicans talk less about God and more about fighting illegal immigration

How to fight Europe’s demons of deflation

It’s a real problem, but the answer has less to do with bond-buying than with applied psychology

The Eurosceptic split


Sir Mark Worthington bolsters The Freedom Association’s position as neutral territory in the divided right

As Baroness Thatcher’s former private secretary, he is closely linked to something dear to the Tory right and the Toryish wing of UKIP.

George Osborne mocks Danny Alexander over fridge padlock claims

The Chancellor ridicules Mr Alexander for not noticing that there has for years been a key on top of a locked fridge in the Treasury kitchen

A radical alternative that could deliver votes rather than friends

Ruth Davidson’s alternative Tory vision for Scotland is a much needed departure from the national consensus

Andrew Gimson’s PMQs sketch: Comrade Miliband resorts to class war

The Labour leader accuses Cameron of being on the side of the rich, and tries to suppress the awkward knowledge that Labour too is on the side of the bosses.

Taxes can do damage

The Japanese economy is back in recession. One of the main reasons is the pattern of consumer spending. Ahead of the sales tax increase people made their purchases. Once the tax rise came in they cut back sharply, leading to a fall in demand and output. It was far less helpful in raising revenue to pay for public services than the increase in VAT introduced in the UK, which did succeed in raising more revenue and did not have the same impact on demand as the Japanese hike.

‘Education should be free to everyone, at every level’

Although the clash with police marred the day, Eleanor Muffitt hopes the student protest will kick-start momentum for the free education campaign


Conservative MPs complain that Rochester election leaflet links crime and immigration

They claim it suggests that local voters are right to feel unsafe from immigrants – and say that campaigning as UKIP-lite won’t work.

Geoffrey Cox, my hero

We need more Parliamentarians capable of earning £1,333 per hour – not fewer.


Anger at government incoherence on spending and debt

David Cameron had hoped that the UK’s £650 million contribution to the Green Climate Fund wouldn’t get much attention in the week that the Tories are going head-to-head with Ukip in Rochester and Strood. But there it is, in the newspapers today, with angry quotes.

How worried should the West be about Russia?

The most sobering column you’ll read today is the FT’s Gideon Rachman, no doom monger, warning about the risk of a nuclear war. Rachman is concerned about how quick Vladimir Putin’s Russia now is to rattle the nuclear sabre.

Revealed: how state education fuels inequality

Everyone knows that, in general, state schools are better in leafier areas. That’s why wealthy parents pay so much for houses in a good catchment areas: make no mistake, they’re buying their school place as surely as someone who sends their child to Eton.

“If you vote UKIP, the value of your house will go down.” Seriously?

The latest claim isn’t just flimsy, it’s implausible – and a gift to UKIP.
– – – – – –
Across The Pond is edited daily by Steve Parkhurst. Steve is a political consultant, a writer at his blog as well as a Senior Editor here at US Daily Review. Follow Steve on Twitter @SteveParkhurst

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