Looking at the news and opinion out of London each day.
Miliband has pledged to build 200,000 new homes a year by the end of the next parliament
With his welfare proposal, Zahawi gives us a peek inside Cameron’s little black book
The MP who’s also a member of No.10’s policy board argues that child-related welfare should be restricted to the first two children that people have.
Ed Davey’s energy policy claims another victim
At last week’s Spectator energy conference Michael Fallon appeared to steer government policy away from green ideology and in a more business and consumer-friendly direction. But there was to be a nasty sting in the tail. Shortly afterwards Ed Davey’s Department for Energy and Climate Change changed the rules on something called Final Investment Decision (FID) enabling.
Success for the Government in reducing gang violence
This is about delivery – something lacking during the Labour years of sofa government, spin, targets and gimmicks.
Cameron prepares for his Butterfly Moment in interview with The Spectator
Cameron will have to campaign for a Tory majority, and that will mean distinguishing his party from the Lib Dems as well as from Labour.
David Cameron interview: tax, ‘green crap’ and #TeamNigella
It’s 9.30 a.m. on a Friday and David Cameron is about to head for his Oxfordshire constituency and work from home. This is precisely the habit that his Cabinet Office minister, Francis Maude, is trying to beat out of the civil service, but the Prime Minister has a reasonable claim to some downtime.
a href=”http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/labour/10508431/Now-Labour-could-become-the-party-of-marriage-and-the-family.html” target=”_blank”>Now Labour could become the party of marriage and the family
Voters want leaders who can promise good care for their children and elderly relatives
Universal Credit must carry on, but Whitehall can’t carry on like this
Before groaning about Iain Duncan Smith’s grand project, it’s worth considering what it is and how it came to be.
Late learners like Ed Balls certainly strike a chord
Why did Labour’s shadow chancellor risk ridicule at the piano by giving a public performance that could be bettered by a reasonably confident 11-year-old?
“She did more to promote peaceful change in southern Africa than all her predecessors combined.”
When it comes to South Africa and Thatcher, some Labour MPs are touting politics, not history.
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Across The Pond is edited daily by Steve Parkhurst. Steve is a political consultant, a writer at his blog as well as a Senior Editor here at US Daily Review. Follow Steve on Twitter @SteveParkhurst
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