Looking at the news and opinion out of London each day.
Teaching union talks dissolve into farce over guest list
How kind of the teaching unions to get us all in the mood for Christmas with a nice big pantomime. The latest amusing drama from the NUT and NASUWT is over a meeting that they’re supposed to be having with Michael Gove about their ongoing industrial dispute. This dispute, if you will remember, nearly led to the unions holding nationwide strikes over performance-related pay. But those strikes were called off on the offer of more talks with Gove.
Grammar schools offer Boris another Goldilocks moment
Not too hot, not too cold: the Mayor only intervenes when the temperature, and the topic, are just right.
A quarter of the Tories’ new women MPs could stand down in 2015
Laura Sandys’ decision to resign is symptomatic of deep unhappiness among women MPs
New data shows how hard it is to get ahead in modern Britain
It’s a scandal that of the 4.7 million on low wages in 2002, only 800,000 had escaped ten years later.
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Across The Pond is edited daily by Steve Parkhurst. Steve is a political consultant, a writer at his blog as well as a Senior Editor here at US Daily Review. Follow Steve on Twitter @SteveParkhurst
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