Surprising Defeat for Abortion Activists in New York
By AUL, Special for USDR. Americans United for Life President and CEO Dr. Charmaine Yoest commended the members of the New York Senate for...
By AUL, Special for USDR. Americans United for Life President and CEO Dr. Charmaine Yoest commended the members of the New York Senate for...
By James Twyman, Special to USDR. "The senior audience just isn't reliable," the man said to me. "Why do you think...
By USDR. The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today is calling on New York Attorney General Eric T....
By USDR. "In a rare instance of bipartisanship, members of both parties came together to sell out the interests of...
By USDR. Less than one month ago, a grassroots group of online small businesses announced the launch of the eMainStreet Alliance,...
By USDR. The Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis (CCSCSL) crowned International Master Daniel Naroditsky, 17, of Foster City, Calif., the...
BY: USDR Looking at the news and opinion out of London each day. 7-1-13 Miliband is taking his cue from...
By KBB, Special for USDR. Shoppers in the market for a cool, affordable new car can see which models the experts recommend...
By NYSCOF, Special for USDR. Fluoride is one of 213 known brain-toxic chemicals that may lower the intelligence of generations...
By USDR. In his new book “Tea Party on Safari: The Hunt for American RINO” (published by iUniverse), author and political...
By the Media Coalition, Special for USDR. The popular notion that media causes people to kill is based on flawed...
By The Price of Business (1110 AM KTEK, Houston, TX is the sister radio program of US Daily Review and is Hosted...
By USDR. A coalition of Garden State gun owner and sportsmen's groups today served legal notice on Assembly Speaker Sheila Oliver, warning that...
By USUO, Special for USDR. The following is being released by the US-Ukraine Observer: Director of the American Center for...
Where Politics and Business Do Mix. Submitted by Andy Valadez of Marketing Dynamics for EBC Broadcast. [caption id="attachment_30909" align="aligncenter" width="300"]...
By The Price of Business (1110 AM KTEK, Houston, TX is the sister radio program of US Daily Review and is Hosted...
By CIS, Special for USDR. Just over two months ago, the Senate's Gang of Eight introduced their far-reaching 844 page...
By USDR. Boeing and British Airways announced the delivery recently of the UK carrier's first Boeing 787 Dreamliner. The British...
By USDR. The profound musical gifts of singer-songwriter Harry Nilsson, an artist whose fans ranged from all four Beatles to the...
By Sissy Lappin, Prestige Properties Houston Editor, USDR. Rick Perry is the greatest thing to happen to the state of...
By Steve Beaman, Contributor, USDR. The newly elected President of Iran, Hassan Rohani, has promised, among other things, the Iranian...
By The Price of Business (1110 AM KTEK, Houston, TX is the sister radio program of US Daily Review and is Hosted...
By USDR. The American Center for Law and Justice today filed an amended lawsuit in federal court in Washington, D.C. – adding an additional...
By USDR. In a speech at Georgetown University, President Obama announced a broad new federal mandate to reduce greenhouse gas emissions...
By USDR. As the economy continues to go through ups and downs, as some scandals seem to go to the...
By USDR. The core criticism to S.744 has been that it places amnesty before enforcement. The concern is that once...
By USDR. Data through April 2013, released today by S&P Dow Jones Indices for its S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices, the leading measure...
By USDR. "In today's same-sex marriage decisions, a slim majority of the U.S. Supreme Court got it wrong in both...
Where Politics and Business Do Mix. Submitted by Andy Valadez of Marketing Dynamics for EBC Broadcast. We hope you enjoy...
By The Price of Business (1110 AM KTEK, Houston, TX is the sister radio program of US Daily Review and is Hosted...
By The Price of Business (1110 AM KTEK, Houston, TX is the sister radio program of US Daily Review and is Hosted...
By USDR. "Congress doesn't need a majority to pass a law," says Jim Babka, President of, Inc. "Congressman Tom Marino of Pennsylvania (R-10), has introduced...
By The Price of Business (1110 AM KTEK, Houston, TX is the sister radio program of US Daily Review and is Hosted...
By USDR. Today, the United States Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional a portion of the 2006 reauthorization of the...
By USDR. Sheriffs, border agents, and immigration officers all made final pitches to stop passage of the Senate immigration bill S.744...
By USDR. Executive Director of the NFIB Small Business Legal Center, Karen Harned issued the following statement in response to...
By USDR. Special agents at the IRS accidentally shot their firearms 11 times between 2009 and 2011, and at least three of...
By Jennifer L. Williams, Contributor, USDR. If there is one thing I have learned in my few summers living and working...
By Haley Granton, Special for USDR. Many homeowners are using various landscaping tips to improve their home’s security. Most...
By Hayley Granton, Special for USDR. The citizens of Houston are under attack by thieves and earned the dubious distinction of...
By Jennifer L. Williams, Contributor, USDR. I dislike public schools for many reasons. They capitulate to money quickly and with money...
By, Special for USDR. From planning for the future to self-improvement, the latest article by “Zombie Money Survival...
By USDR. New York, New York: The rare first newspaper printing of the Declaration of Independence will be auctioned in...
By, Special for USDR. To celebrate the first day of summer today, has identified America's 20 most popular...
By USDR. More homeowners are choosing to stay in their homes and invest in home improvements due to tight inventory...
by Candace Salima, US Daily Review Senior Contributor Education before football. One might wonder why I am writing about football...
By Family Research Council, Special for USDR. Family Research Council (FRC) praised the passage of U.S. Rep. Trent Franks' (R-AZ) Pain-Capable Unborn...
Looking at the news and opinion out of London each day. 6-24-13 Spending review: All departments settle All departments have...
By Steve Beaman, Contributor, USDR. As Father’s Day 2013 came and went, like many of you I had the chance...
By Zillow, Special for USDR. National home values rose again in May, climbing 0.5 percent from April to a Zillow...