Day Two of Dreamforce 2011
Editor's note: Kevin Price, Host of the Price of Business (on Salem affiliate and Bloomberg home in Houston, 1070 KNTH), and Publisher...
Editor's note: Kevin Price, Host of the Price of Business (on Salem affiliate and Bloomberg home in Houston, 1070 KNTH), and Publisher...
By Heather Stone On August 28, 2010 I was up around 4:30am to make my way to the Restoring Honor...
Editor's note: For decades part of the American Dream was the prusuit of a college degree. It was indicative as a...
From Following one of the most confrontational battles between Republicans and Democrats in Congressional history, the legislative branch passed...
By the US Daily Review Staff Kevin Price, Publisher and Editor in Chief of US Daily Review is also the...
Editor's note: Kevin Price, Host of the Price of Business (on Salem affiliate and Bloomberg home in Houston, 1070 KNTH), and Publisher...
By Andrew Canfield The numerous myths bought into by the modern American liberal are among the most difficult misconceptions to...
Born in Scotland and educated in Texas, Daniel Jamieson has been professionally writing since 2005, most recently for ‘US...
By Candace E. Salima, Contributor of US Daily Review “What’s in it for Me?” What an interesting five words, and...
Writer, Director and (using the term loosely) actor, Morgan Spurlock became famous for his classic documentary, Super Size Me in...
By Christopher Lee President Obama will face many obstacles in the looming 2012 elections. A stagnant economy, unpopular healthcare reform,...
Editor's note: Most people have gone through an "ugly duckling" stage and some never feel as though they leave it! ...
By Kevin R. Mullins We are currently experiencing the worst housing market in the history of the United States. As...
Kimberly Morin, Contributor, US DailyReview Many state legislatures across the country are trying to pass voter i.d. laws. These laws...
Editor's Note: Sometimes forefathers don't last. Starting a revolution doesn't give you permanent rights at the head of the table....
8-28-11 British justice should not be about revenge - even against looters "Talk about shutting the stable door after the...
Editor's note: Although a relatively small hurricane -- and now a tropical storm -- Irene has done a significant amount...
By Delena Denham Dobrenchuk (3-D), Columnist, US Daily Review They say in show business it’s not what you know, but...
By the US Daily Review Staff Everyone knows all the favorite major media websites: Drudge Report, Huffington Post, Fox News, Fox...
By US Daily Review Staff Kevin Price, Publisher and Editor in Chief of US Daily Review and Host of the...
By Kevin Price, Publisher and Editor in Chief, US Daily Review Let me just start by stating that I love...
By April Dye, US Daily Review, Contributor Have you ever stopped to wonder if you were happy? Do you enjoy...
By Steve Parkhurst, Senior Editor, US Daily Review. Sometimes government is so big and burdensome that it can not win...
By Jim Pepper, Contributor to US Daily Review Our court system in this country is a hodgepodge of courts; Municipal...
By Candace E. Salima, Contributor of US Daily Review Looking at the condition America is in today, one wonders if...
In the fall of 2010 the American people went to the polls and unequivocally repudiated the Obama administration. In a...
If you came here to get a hot new method for improving your position in the Google search results, I’m...
By Ed Hubbard Before the recent Iowa Straw Poll, Republican Presidential contender and former Pennsylvania Senator, Rick Santorum, paraphrased Abraham...
By Felicia Cravens, Contributor to US Daily Review So you want to use social media, but what application do you...
By Sheryl Devereaux, Contributor, US Daily Review This article exposes the agenda of a new video, which have been inconspicuously...
Editor's Note: Jobs quick resignation has had the investment community up in arms. His announcement was surprisng and, as seen...
Editor's Note: Steve Jobs is a business and cultural icon and his sudden departure from Apple has Wall Street and...
Editor's Note: Cuba has been a significant producer of sports talent for decades, particularly in the area of baseball. It...
By Steve Parkhurst, Senior Editor, US Daily Review. This is a different sort of style than I would normally write...
Editor's Note: Recently Kevin Price, US Daily Review Publisher and Editor in Chief wrote a piece about the dramatic changes that...
Editor's Note: It seems to be a response to the looming threat of absolute shutdown. Or perhaps it is the...
Editor's Note: We bemoan ballooning gas-prices, falling used-car value, factory job loss, traffic, pollution, anything to do with sitting behind...
By Kevin Price, Publisher and Editor in Chief, US Daily Review Having had lived in Washington, DC for several years...
Just because articles are not in the front page does not mean they are not at US Daily Review. Check...
Reviewed by Candace E. Salima, US Daily Review Contributor There is nothing quite like a story about a spy to...
With economic restrictions running rampant throughout the American film industry, new options are arising for would-be successful artists. Beginning a...
Editor's Note: Our leadership has decreed that now is the time to make the most of what we have. We...
Special to US Daily Review by Keith D. Rodebush Nations change; but human nature does not. This is the simple...
Editor's Note: The number one headline driving news content around the world is the turn of events in Libya. After...
By Dave Smith, Contributor, US Daily Review. As anyone else who grew up in the 1980s can attest, there was...
By Candace E. Salima, Contributor, US Daily Review Apparently, because I don't whine and cry and use my poverty stricken...
8-21-11 DAVID CAMERON: HUMAN RIGHTS IN MY SIGHTS Prime Minister David Cameron wrote this op-ed in the Sunday Express newspaper....
Editor's Note: It is natural for anyone to run as the nominee for the Vice President and to lose to...
Editor's Note: Conservatives are often at the butt of jokes for their conspiracy theories, be it their concern for "secret"...
Editor's Note: California has become famous for its fiscal problems and has been the subject of political campaigns, news shows,...